Check-in Time: 14:00 pm
Please inform the hotel about any late check-ins. If your arrival is after midnight, the bar/restaurant may be closed. A small snack (sandwiches, toasts, soft drinks, milk, juice, beers) can be provided at an additional charge.
Check-out Time: 11:00 am
Late checkout is available upon request. Please inform the reception desk 48 hours before your departure.
Late checkout charge: €20.00 for the studio, €25.00 for the apartment.
Reception Hours
08:00 – 24:00
Cleaning & Linen Services
Cleaning Service: Daily except Sundays
Change of Bed Linen and Towels: Twice per week
Pets: Not allowed
Free for children up to 2 years old sharing the same room and bed with parents, or with a baby cot (available on request).